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Mold in Your Attic: 5 Things You Need to Know This Winter
By Hilarey Wojtowicz
The winter months can cause mold issues in your home
due to the temperature imbalance and improper
ventilation. Areas such as your basement and attic are
prime places for mold to grow. Before storing your
holiday gifts and decorations in your attic this winter,
you may need to check for mold. Here are five things
you should keep in mind about mold in your attic this
Improper Ventilation
During the winter, you may have the heat turned up with the house in order to keep the cold
temperatures from affecting your family. However, because there is always more cold air
coming in than out of areas such as your attic, there is a temperature variance that can cause
moisture to build up. The heat below your cold attic can cause condensation to develop, thus
allowing for mold growth in your attic.
Because you may only venture into your attic every few
months — particularly around the winter months in order to
retrieve your decorations for the holidays and maybe to store a
few gifts for you loved ones — it is important to try and fix
improper ventilation in order help you feel safer about your
Try checking any pipes or chimneys that may run through your
attic. By sealing any cracks or seems, you can prevent air from
seeping into your attic and creating more moisture.
Stop it Before it Begins
You may have the proper ventilation needed for your attic already, but mold can still grow.
Moisture allows for mold to develop easily and it is best to try and keep your attic as dry as
possible. This may be difficult during the winter months, with the levels of snow fall and snow
melt. If you find an area that has enough moisture for mold to possibly grow in, dry it up as soon
as you can.