Page 24 - Spring2012

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Follow these steps for installing insulation in your crawl space.
1. Review plans for insulating your crawl space with local building officials in order
ensure code compliance.
2. Check for and decide whether to eliminate completely or seal all foundation vents.
3. Ensure that furnaces and water heaters are sealed and equipped with powered
combustion systems.
4. Seal all air leaks from the exterior walls during
and after construction.
5. Ensure the crawl space is accessible and that the
perimeter of the access-unit has an airtight seal
after repeated use.
6. Use rigid foam board or batt insulation to get
complete insulation coverage.
7. Install a continuous termite shield.
8. Install a supply outlet in the crawl space.
By learning about your crawl space and ensuring that it is properly insulated, you and
your family will be able to save money and energy, and can enjoy the comfort of your
home beyond the affects of a crawl space.