Page 11 - Spring2012

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Water: Levels of Lead and What You Can Do About Your Drinking
By Hilarey Wojtowicz
Lead is a well-known metal that has been used for years in piping inside in the home.
However, in 1987, New Jersey banned the use of lead due to its harmful effects.
Nevertheless, N.J. homes that have been built 50 or more years ago may still contain
piping and paint that contains lead that can be seeping into the water we drink.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, up to 20-percent of the lead
that we are exposed to comes from our drinking water.
Lead can affect the brain, kidneys, nervous system and red blood cells. Young children
and pregnant women are at the greatest risks when it comes to the lead in our drinking
The factors that may affect the amount of lead that can get into your water include:
Type of plumbing materials. The amount of lead used in soldering joints within
the pipes can be up to 50-percent.
Length of time the water stands in the pipes. Water that is in the pipes for a
certain amount of time may allow lead more time to seep into the water.
Corrosive water. Corrosive water may be caused by high acidity and low mineral
content and it can increase the amount of lead in the water.
Grounding of electrical wires to water pipes. This can cause a higher rate of
The best way to tell if your drinking water is contaminated with lead is to have it tested
by a local company and have the test results reviewed by New Jersey Department of
Health and Senior Services. After receiving the results of the tests, you may also want
to have your family checked for lead poisoning by your family physician.
In order to ensure that you are doing everything you can to reduce the amount of lead
you may be consuming through your tap water, follow these tips.
1. Let your water run for 15-20 seconds if it has not been used for several hours to flush
out the lead that may be in the water that has been sitting in the pipes.
2. Do not drink, cook or prepare food with hot tap water. Lead is often highest in hot
3. Avoid boiling water excessively. The boiling of water can increase the level of lead in
the water.